Windsurfing, surfing, Maui, The Gorge, and random rants.

N. Pacific 7 Day Forecast Models

This is still in the developmental stage. The images below are the north Pacific weather maps for the next seven days, as predicted by the NOGAPS weather model. Click on an image to expand, and then you can step through the time period, using either left and right arrow keys or just click the play button.

Important Note - the public government server that hosts these weather model images has a security certificate issue that requires most browsers to manually click "continue or proceed" once before any images can be seen. So if no images appear below and you see a yellow bar that says click for options, please do so and click continue. Otherwise please click this link to the site and click continue on that page and then return here. It is OK to view these public service images (paid for by your US tax dollars) and you will not have to do this again while your browser remains open. I'm trying to figure a more convienent way around this issue, but it may simply be a case of "government intelligence", if you get my drift.

Select Model:     

Copyright © 2011 Jamin Jones, All rights reserved.